Biography of Chikuhaku SUZUKI

1918 - Japanese painter Chikuhaku Suzuki was born in Zushi, Kanagawa Prefecture. His real name was Kenkichi.
1936 - Studied under Gakuryo NAKAMURA.
1939 - Received his first major award when he was 20 years old from Inten, then from Shin-Bunten.
1956 - His work, ‘Boshoku' received the special award from Nitten.
1958 - ‘Mountain' received the special award from Shin-Nitten.
1962 - Received the Kikka Award. Visited China as a representative of Japanese Artists.
1981 - Received the Education Ministry Award.
1987 - Received the Japan Geijutsuin Award.1991 Appointed to the member of The Japan Art Academy.
2020 - Chikuhaku SUZUKI passed away at the age of 101.
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